The Transition

Posted: January 11, 2016 in Update Board

Another “I haven’t written since” post and the “here is the reason”.


The time spent during that long unannounced hiatus is being too busy with work. I have left that work for personal reasons and miss it. When I look back at the time since February and the last day of 2015, I have to wonder if everything was worth it.

And I think it was…

I have learned that I loved my past work so much that it is hard to take off. It’s been 11 days since then, but to go to a new opportunity is satisfying too. It will be the subject that might get this blog up and running again.

For now the keyword that I leave this post is … LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PHILIPPINES.

BANZAI!-Gekokujo Review

Posted: October 29, 2015 in Update Board

Mount and Blade, its surely one of the best games to many players looking for an in-depth simulation of a medieval realm with its politics, armies, macro-micro management and the battle system.

Newer generation players might not get how the graphics seem…unfinished but games like minecraft prove that it takes more than graphics to make a good game.

When you start you will be asked questions and depending on how you fare, you will be thrust into a world of political intrigue, feudal lords and adventures that will keep you glued to your seats longer than those Civ games.


In Gekokujo the timeline is set in the Sengoku Era (1467-1603) of Japan which is one of the bloodiest periods in its history. It is a time where the current government; the Shogunate is losing its power and influence over the local Daimyos (Lords) much like Western Europe. Gekokujo is living out your fantasy as a samurai or ninja or ronin in an era of warring states and social upheaval.

For more information on the Sengoku Period look it up here:

Trivia: Gekokujo is Japanese for “low conquers high” which is identical to lower and capable daimyos who would gain bigger influence and overthrow the current aristocracy or people in power.

Till now, I’ve always been fascinated by the Samurai, their strict warrior code Bushido, their martial spirit, their legacy and influence on Japan.

In Gekokujo, I automatically took on a role of a wanderer looking for a worthy Daimyo or Clan to join with and I am impressed by the near-accuracy of the map, the setting, weapons, clans, political and combat system. There are detailed locations to many cities that were known in that time.


Exploring castle-towns and cities in the game is fun, it was great they did not name the game “Samurai Simulator” or that kind of crap.

You also get to meet famous characters from Japan’s History that will either be your employer or your follower. Fancy meeting Miyamoto Musashi, the legendarty swordsman in a backwater inn or encountering The Great Date Masamune on the field of battle. The freedom to choose your adventures in Gekokujo is endless. You can own a property, capture a castle, go to battle wielding a dai-katana in your loincloth (seriously WTF?)

For those new to the Mount and Blade Combat System there is a lot of stuff to master such as Horse Archery, ordering your men in formation and holding gunfire to the last minute(yes there’s guns!!!), the precise slice of cutting an enemy with a katana and etc.

There are training fields across the land to hone your skills with the Mount and Blade (pun ryt dar!) and the arena where you face off against 60 opponents in a Royal Rumble for cash rewards.


Going back to the wanderer, I joined up with Clan Shimazu. As a retainer you get a wage,gear,opportunities for advancement and all you have to do is serve your lord and not get killed in battle. You will also ride/march where the Daimyo’s army goes. Going higher in rank and getting paid for hard days work equals you to start a business,get married,or even own your very own castle-town.


Rising to the all powerful Shogun is not as easy though. Once you build up your own private army and conquer enough towns, other clans will constantly harass or engage in battle with you. Conquering Kyoto which is the capital city of its time is no small feat. In a siege expect massive casualties and bottlenecks where the ladders or entrance-exit points are.



Some issues I have with this game are minor. There are some glitches and clunky movements that you have to deal with. the army AI will mostly be a charge attack to the enemy and, your private army can’t follow you when you are a samurai retainer.(tough luck)





Overall Gekokujo is a game worth playing, there is a minor community of modders and fellow gamers who constantly skulk around the TaleWorlds forums for more improvements or walkthroughs. I recommend this game if you want to live out the fantasy.

Points to Learn:

Japan was a nation built out of pride,war and strife. During this time a lot of people from the mindless ashigaru or the peasantry where recruited and given little training. There were lots of brothers pitted against brothers and friends against friends. Such a tragedy is true but not as seen or told as much. We must not deny this side of the period

Food was scarce. Rice was a primary payment to the Samurai and when it ran out, civil wars erupted. Despite the romantic view that the samurai were honorable, many became wandering ronin or worse… For those that did retain that honor, every grain of rice was a blessing and it was eaten out of humility and joy.

And that wraps up another review. Comments, Suggestions and Request are highly appreciated. Thanks:)


Posted: September 28, 2015 in Update Board

After almost 8 months of working for a certain mall that will open in the city around November, I’m finally back and will start writing again…

Thinking of writing about

-Clash of Clans

-Continuing the What you can learn from MobA’s series.

-A list of games I play on mobile

-Tackling topics like video game sex,violence and drug abuse

And all others, Oh and since this is a huge feat to accomplish, I might settle down all my stuff,fix the house, spend a week trying to figure out how to put the schedule together, work and go home. So that’s it for now, Will see you in the next posts 🙂

Let’s begin the New Year with the continuation of the MoBA series. For those that are new to this Blog, Zamboangamer is a gaming blog that aims to help us improve our gaming skills and also our daily lives. We are pro-education and actively strive to be accepted by the world for who we are. In this post I cover the MoBA a new type of gaming that’s taking the world by storm, you’ve seen people playing it in cafes, streamed from video sites such as YouTube, it’s part of an industry that has given birth to a new type of sport. The E-Sports, this is not just some kids hobby, it’s a serious multinational and multi-million dollar business that has players around the world compete for the shot of becoming Champions. Now this blog and this post covers stuff that pro-players do. It requires constant training and a level of maturity that is above the ordinary pub-game trolling.

I started this series last year and it was a by-product of researching how to improve my game, The knowledge that I have research is now passed on to you. Learn well and you will not just win games, but life too. Before we go ahead to the main topic why not take a look at our old posts from last year, be sure to give me feedback so I can help improve and deliver quality reading 🙂

Lesson 1 covers what you need to know on how the pros think like in the game, with the need for better game play and wins.

Lesson 2 covers how to maximize your role as a hero in-game. A team that effectively uses the hero’s role makes better games and more chances of victories.

Lesson 3 covers team communication, a bit of player psychology and how you can rally your team to victory. Encouraging and good communication is the way to raise team morale, win games and make friends.

Lesson 4 deals with a better way to cope with those pesky defeats which creep up to you and ruins your day. It’s a must read.

Lesson 5 is a secret way to charge into battle, make a hasty retreat and line up for the kill effectively without losing the lives of the entire team.

Lesson 6 is what you see, what you get, this lesson teaches you to fully cover as much terrain as you can so you can expect enemies on the map which prolongs your teams survival.

And now we go to Lesson 7, Ever since you started your whole MobA career, the concept of getting last hits and denials ensures better game play, you can get better items faster, keep enemy levels below you, and make sure a defensive retreat when your tower’s health is low.


Now I can do all the explaining but I want to try something different this year, if there is material that’s accessed on the net then I will link it here.

For those who love numbers the guide above is your ticket to improved playing. Below is a video for those who want less of math and more of action. Either one will help you so why not check them out?

Gen Doukeshi does a superb job of explaining the last hit concept while adding in numbers,facts and several tactics. Professional and serious players know that auto-attacking is a no-no. I recommend you watch his video and for our intermission number here’s LilyPichu

A cute an adorable video that will warm your heart for sure. Unfortunately League of Legends does not have the denial feature, my hypothesis is for faster and intense gameplay, either way other games like DoTA or HoN feature denials as a way to help sabotage your opponents of the needed gold and experience. Denials are an advanced level of playing since they need meticulous awareness for creeps but they payoff is worth it.

Lets have VideoGamerTV give you a heads up on how to do denials with a last hit overview in DoTA 2

Take lots of time to practice and soon you’ll be singing along with this vid XD

Let me know what you think of this new post, Thanks Guys and as always Keep on Gamin’ 🙂


Posted: December 30, 2014 in Update Board

What’s up everyone? Zamboangamer is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

As we end this year, we thank everyone for their support of this blog and even though our new site is s up and running, I have decided to post on both sides, because I cannot part from my first home which is here at wordpress.

I hope we have more fun filled adventures next year despite the many delays of my blog, I aspire to engage the followers and readers with more interaction for this page.

As you know our advocacy for video games as an educational tool is still up and running.

So thank you once again, See you all on the next Zamboangamer 🙂

Hey fellow gamers, what have you been up to for the past couple of weeks? Have you been winning more games than usual? If you’re not, you might have not been not wary of your surroundings. That is why in this post we tackle…WARDS, WARDS, WARDS!

But before we begin we introduce the earlier posts in this MobA series. For first timers, this blog caters to readers who wanna learn and play at the same time. I recommend you take a look at the first lesson and scope out the other written articles at my blog 🙂

Lesson 1 covers what you need to know on how the pros think like in the game, with the need for better gameplay and wins.

Lesson 2 covers how to maximize your role as a hero in-game. A team that effectively uses the hero’s role makes better games and more chances of victories.

Lesson 3 covers team communication, a bit of player psychology and how you can rally your team to victory. Encouraging and good communication is the way to raise team morale, win games and make friends.

Lesson 4 deals with a better way to cope with those pesky defeats which creep up to you and ruins your day. It’s a must read.

Lesson 5 is a secret way to charge into battle, make a hasty retreat and line up for the kill effectively without losing the lives of the entire team.

This topic is a chunky one, so I suggest you bookmark this and read it by part. It is also one of the reasons on which this post was delayed for some time. I want to tackle this concept because it contributes a lot of losses to people who are unaware or *blinded by how they play the game.

Perhaps you have played a few matches but still have no idea about locations or where your hero is. I suggest that you go back to the basic tutorials and master the camera controls.

Our computer screens have a limited scope of sight and that is why it is important to learn how to scroll to the edges of the screen or knowing the shortcut keys to focus on your hero or your team.

And please, do yourself a favor and use mouse-scrolling instead of the arrow keys on your keyboard. Use your right fingers with the mouse and your left fingers with the skill shortcuts.

Before we go onto the main topic, you must first know what the Fog of War is. According to…

Fog of War simulates the unknowns of the battlefield by covering areas of the map, to be progressively revealed by the player.

It’s basically the darkened shade on the map that also influences your hero’s line of sight. In some MobA’s like DotA, Lines of Sight are reduced during night and returns to normal by day.

In every game, knowing where the enemies are can give you a huge advantage to avoid or ambush them. Pro gamers know that heroes have a limited line of sight and that is why they employ the use of wards.

“When fire can be set out in the open, do not wait until it can be sent inside a camp –set it when the time is right”. -Sun Tzu

Wards are the CCTV’s in the MobA, with the right setup it’s line of sight will allow you to survive longer as you expect incoming enemies. The downside is wards don’t last forever, and they kind of cost a pretty penny.

In LoL, the item shop gives a selection of wards to you for free. There is a limit to how many heroes can carry the items which is 5, and the rest need to be purchased.

Some heroes like Ashe have skills that can show lines of sight at a mana cost.Other heroes like Rikimaru can diminish the line of sight of enemy heroes via their skills This adds another advantage to the allied team, but it will ultimately rely on the player’s skill and timing to use it.

Visibility is also influenced on the terrain. In DotA, heroes below a hillside have reduced sight when compared to heroes on the top of the hill. To supplement this, make sure to keep areas warded and try to stay on the higher area.

You can also try to use your courier to scout for enemies but make sure to empty the items that your teammates need. And make sure that your courier is a flying one and uses its invincibility skill as soon as it gets damaged.


Below is an example of recommended ward placement in the popular MobA which is Dota, note that map geography changes over time…and versions…



We will discuss the other concepts such as distance, neutrals, jungling, and the rest as we go along the MoBA series 🙂

For now that’s just about it for visibility, I know this post took too long for a short one, I’ll post the reason at the Facebook page, please tell me what you think of it and I’ll see you next time on the next Zamboangamer.

Last December 2 of this year marks the reinstatement of the cosplay segment in Ateneo de Zamboanga for its yearly Alumni Homecoming. As part of the opening act for the second day, it was an honor to help facilitate the event. The event is also to makeup for last year’s Zamboanga Siege Crisis.

We had 12 contestants made up of experienced and 1st-time cosplayers alike. That means another boost of reputation for the community. And for the first time I got recognized by some people for cosplaying Junpei Iori from Persona 3, Thanks guys I had little photography exposure though because facilitating participants and the crowd was my main duty. Anyway my good photographer friend Oppai Meister Ero Senin (*such name) took lots of photos at the scene (scroll below). You can also check his other photos in facebook at or search Wang Guo Min Photography.

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All cosplayers went to visit kids at one of the college buildings for a bit of entertainment, every cosplayer was introduced according to their respective character and what pop culture references they are from.There are just so many people to thank for helping out the event, from the school janitors, students, committees and everyone. Overall, the event was a success and we look forward to a bigger and better event next time 🙂

The world we know has changed so much. With the internet, information has become a big part of our lives. Everyday we watch news on the television, hear from the radio or read it from the paper. Sometimes even the media takes advantage of the situation and every story gives off the feeling of fear.

One incident that happened locally in the city of Zamboanga was the Siege that happened last September 2013 and it’s been a year since those days of paranoia, people directly affected are still recovering from the scars that were left. Those indirectly affected by the crisis, helped out and went on with their daily lives in hopes of something better, There is even a play at the Ateneo de Zamboanga about it and I will watch the play tomorrow with my friends.

There are loads of articles, opinions, even conspiracy theories on the net. Anyone who lives in Zamboanga City has their own stories to tell. My own experience with the crisis was indirect, I live a few kilometers outside the incident radius, but our family still took precautions and hid in the underground area of the house. That, plus saving up food stocks, making emergency plans and building up defenses just like a zombie apocalypse survival scenario.

This blog was even born during the crisis since I had little to do on the computer and had a vision. For those of you new to this blog, Zamboangamer caters to gamers and non-gamers. It advocates video games as a work of art, an educational tool, a career, a hobby, and a way of life. Face it, video games are here to stay. And if you want to know how video games can be useful then reading this blog is a must for you.

Going back to the Zamboanga Siege, it ended in victory of our Armed Forces of the Philippines, through coordinated planning, the invaders were repelled and order was restored. For many though, it was a wake up call that if the same thing happens again, we might not be as ready nor prepared to deal with the what-ifs.

It’s been a long time since I did a gaming review, the many games in the market these days plus the limited time spent on my computer leaves me with little options. But I decided that this game in particular is unique among the many war games that flood the mainstream market.

This War of Mine 2014-11-20 22-35-49-93

This War of Mine is a unique game in a sense that it puts you in the shoes of the civilian who is trapped in a city that is undergoing a war. The capital and the setting are unknown but it may be an allegory to represent the horrors of war experienced in all parts of the world.

This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-21-14-78

The game begins with a back story of three companions who band together to increase their odds of survival, depending on who you get are the specializations of what they do, the first three buddies I had was an athlete, a cook and a journalist. Each time you start the game, these companions are randomized. I played 3 times to try to get the right mix and combinations since I felt that I wanted a perfect game.

This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-27-30-03This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-27-35-54This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-27-46-81This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-41-58-16

Having a perfect game is difficult, the game has no tutorial whatsoever, but survival game veterans will already know which needs are to be prioritized. The game plays as a platformer with you controlling any of the 3 people at one time. It’s kind of a mix between Sims and the recent XCom game on a darker and grey scale.

This War of Mine 2014-11-20 12-02-41-06This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-39-13-21

The first things you would probably do is clean up much of the dilapidated apartment as much as possible. It would have been much faster to clear the debris with a shovel and I learned this later. Resources are scarce as heck and you must plan out every move, the most daunting task is foraging for food. Everyday your people go hungry and you must gather whatever resources you have the previous night.

This War of Mine 2014-11-20 11-10-34-00This War of Mine 2014-11-20 11-11-32-80This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-24-21-28

The night missions are one of the most tense parts of the game itself, you have the option to bunk up for the night, take shifts in guarding your base from looters and go scavenger hunting. With luck you might find what you need. Companions have a limited bag inventory and you can only go on one mission at a time. I can’t feel but helpless and frustrated when I went to a wrong zone only to come home empty. I am the type that cares for my virtual people and when I can’t then I start over.

And if you thought this game was hard, it’ll get harder with each passing day, as you tune in to the local radio, you can only pray that good news comes, but it doesn’t it gets worse. I’ve been playing for 5 days with 3 replays, other players who’ve gotten more days out of the game have been subjected to sniper fire, hostile looters, and bombings to name a few.

This War of Mine 2014-11-20 22-35-38-91This War of Mine 2014-11-20 10-28-18-83   This War of Mine 2014-11-20 11-03-37-71   This War of Mine 2014-11-20 12-22-34-29 This War of Mine 2014-11-20 12-25-08-79 This War of Mine 2014-11-20 12-32-56-54 This War of Mine 2014-11-20 12-37-44-93 This War of Mine 2014-11-20 12-46-12-37

I have a love-hate relationship with this game, I love how it tells the story through the eyes of the average people being in the middle of a war. The psychological impact of how a person without appropriate training is subjected to stress. Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m a pro-peace guy, but in my opinion there are too many games that put you in combat boots with a rifle.

This War of Mine is a testament to many people afflicted by wars. Many think that wars are noble or awesome but in truth, war is a bloody mess. Modern wars are even messier (refer to image with the Ernest Hemmingway quote), “Wars are delightful to those who have no experience of it” – Erasmus is another quote that will make you think twice.

I dislike how the game presents itself with no tutorial, the learning curve depends on the player who will be responsible for every decision you make in-game. I have no clue how the game ends as of this writing, but I do hope that it ends and all three of your characters make it out safely. Time for the verdict


I love the sketched out art style of this game, there is even an option to bring the pencil sketches vibrantly. The mixes of grey,black and other dark colors sets the war-torn mood like a graphic novel. Graphic requirements are not hard on the computers either, I’m running the game on a ten year old Quad-core processor with a NVidia 210 graphics card.


The dark tones make the game feel harsher and hopeless. Aside from the classical music station on the radio, the music is somber. Sounds will also play a vital role in the scavenging missions as sneaking will alert less attention. Sound effects like creaks, wind, rain, thunder, etc are realistic with headphones giving you those chilling reminder that the war is still going on.


The game runs as a simulation/stealth/strategy/platform/rpg. The mixing of these genres serves the game well. If you want a perfect game where you have the knowledge of everything then multiple replays are required. There is still a chunk of the game I have not figured out like the story and its ending.


This War of Mine gets a 9/10 for being a one-of-a-kind game in spite of so many other blockbuster contenders, the simplicity and difficulty this game gives you will keep you playing for hours on end. After this review I hope not to spoil myself with walkthroughs due to the game’s mysterious and random nature with events or circumstances.


In this part, we nitpick the morals and values we can learn from this game. There are so many of them and I can’t cover everything in one article, this is why we will limit most of the lessons to just 5.

1.Preparation – War takes its toll on resources, and even though you might not live in a dangerous area, you still have to prepare for the worst.Doomsday Preppers on Nat Geo can give you a good idea.

2.Purpose – In war, the civilian’s purpose is to support the state and the army with resources, that includes taxes, supplies,information and even lives. When the war gets close to home however, the purpose of the civilian becomes a liability unless you have a skill. Having skills such as cooking, martial arts, tailoring, medicine, etc. Will increase the odds of you and your family’s survival.

3.Pro-peace – Mother Teresa once said that, if you would be for peace then don’t invite me to an anti-war rally. “All war is a symptom of man’s failure as a thinking animal” – John Steinbeck.War is a man made catastrophe that can be avoided if only the leaders of each country would agree to what benefits everyone. Even with the United Nations, countries keep stockpiling and researching weapons. How I want to see the day when the prophetic Bible verse found in Isaiah 2:4 will be fulfilled “And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war”.

4.Think Different – Big Hero 6 stuck on me as one of my favorite movies, the time Takashi challenged his brother Heero into making a plan unique was a lesson that moved me to inspiration too. This War of Mine took the steam market by storm and has had positive reviews for being different than all the other shoot-em-ups or battle-hardened games out there. If you are making something like a game, think different 🙂

5.Win the War – As the game title suggests a metaphor, the war could also be within us. We might struggle with our decisions, or conscience (IKR?!) Sun Tzu’s most famous quote summarized is “To know”, if you know what you are capable off, if you know how to conquer the obstacles, if you know whether to ask help or do it on your own will determine victory, not just in game but in real life.

Let me know what you think, like, subscribe, comment, discuss, and support Zamboangamer. Thanks guys and keep on gamin’ 🙂

In ancient times, the first armies were individualistic in nature. Men would form lines only to break them up as they charged the battlefields and die mindlessly.

I have seen a lot of MobA games, and so many losses could have been prevented if only each team member would do their role or plan. Some even get lost in-game…


Before we get started though for first time readers, I am Zamboangamer and this blog is dedicated to advocate video games as a learning tool and a self-improvement blog. In particular, this series focuses on the MoBa games and the tricks and secrets to give you the razor’s edge, and win more games.

Lesson 1 covers what you need to know on how the pros think like in the game, with the need for better gameplay and wins.

Lesson 2 covers how to maximize your role as a hero in-game. A team that effectively uses the hero’s role makes better games and more chances of victories.

Lesson 3 covers team communication, a bit of player psychology and how you can rally your team to victory. Encouraging and good communication is the way to raise team morale, win games and make friends.

Lesson 4 deals with a better way to cope with those pesky defeats which creep up to you and ruins your day. It’s a must read.

And now we move on to the fifth lesson in the series which has taken a lot of research and study to compile and write. It’s also become a personal favorite of mine because since then, I have won more games than usual.

Ever wonder why you are always hit by Mirana’s or Ashe’s skill shot? Or how you could have avoided those AoE (Area-of-Effect) skills? Want to know the perfect way to catch the enemy off guard and make it off alive or with the enemy team wiped out?

This is why this post caters to formations. It is a secret to mastering warfare and why pro-gamers have the best plays that make you spam that replay button.

“When the victorious get their people to go to battle as if they were directing a massive flood of water into a deep canyon, this is a matter of formation.” -Sun Tzu

Formations have decided how armies would win the field. As a general your overview of how the battlefield works will determine victory or defeat. Of all the ancient armies that I have studied (HISTORY FTW!) it’s The Roman Legion that does the it the best. A lot of this generation look up to the Spartans with their recent movie 300. It is a movie that deals with the battle of Thermopylae and how the Spartans courageously fought even though they were outnumbered, while heroic in the eyes of many, military generals and scholars have seen easily seen the weaknesses and this is why the once glorified spartan armies have been conquered by an advanced foe. The Romans.

The Roman Legion was in my opinion the best army in ancient history, it expanded its empire through most of europe, north africa and the middle east. It’s armies were constantly improving and has become the basis for most modern-day armies today.

The key strengths that the Legion has is its disciple, flexibility and innovation. The army consisted of ranks that the Spartans did not have. They used every weapon from sword,spear,bow,siege engine and every man to his designated role. The generals studied their enemies and exploited every weakness they had. It was through the valiant effort of the Legion did the empire extend and lasted long. It’s legacy is even longer. To give you a glimpse of how the legion operates the YouTube clip below will give you a good idea. It was based on the movie Gladiator and a favorite childhood movie of mine.

Are you as pumped up then? Now comes the discussion part, try experimenting these formations with your team and see how it will better help you win.

These formations will cater to every MobA game and can be used in several situations. These are but a few examples and there are more.


wedge formation

This is a typical wedge formation some also call it the arrowhead. It is an ideal formation for pushing the lane. Ideally the tanks are the first to the frontline while other hero roles support it. Take note that this formation has weaknesses on both the sides and can be flanked.

If the enemy sneaks behind the tank must turn his attention behind the formation, never get squeezed between a tower and enemy heroes like the pincer formation (discussed later). When retreating it is best to break up or go together in one general direction, usually to the safest one.

Overall, this is the first of many offensive formations, a good hero selection including items will ensure your victory.

spearhead formation

This picture is the first prototype I made using paint, refer to the lower pictures for an improved diagram on what the roman numerals mean.

The spearhead formation is an offensive formation and can be perfectly used for attacking the enemy lanes. Tanks should be the tip of the spear followed by hitters and support. Either you are close enough to support each other or spare some distance between each hero is up to you, but the main point of this formation is to do as much damage as you can before making a run for it.

The weaknesses of this formation lies with the back area or sides. Enemies can easily exploit these areas and flank you so ward of the areas behind and have the map awareness to look out for them. When the enemy does flank you, turn the “tip of the spear” of the tank to the enemies, guide your team to an ambush spot or make a full retreat back to base.

Overall, Speed is your ally in this formation, make as much damage as you can in the lane and teleport or segway to other lanes. The tip of the spear must never be too far ahead otherwise team members can’t support directly.


Line Foramtion

The Line formation is similar to the arrowhead or spearhead but varies in the distance of the heroes and the direction on where your heroes are going to. This formation is inspired by the phalanx formation used by ancient Greeks to gain an advantage over their enemies.

Similar weaknesses also lie the said formations above, your best course of action when flanked by the enemy is to break off to every direction in hopes of gaining less attention from enemy heroes and teleport back to base or stand and fight. Sometimes sacrificing a hero while the others run back to the fountain is an ideal strategy, just make sure that every teammate understands the word sacrifice.



pincer formation


The Pincer formation is the ideal formation for clashing. It involves luring the enemy either at the lanes or jungles or the river that runes through the map.  Pincer formations are risky though. To enumerate the risks are:

1.Distance between you and your team


3.Enemy status (never try this formation if the enemy is too strong)

4.The hunter is now the hunted (this means that you are trapped)

5.The right skills (heroes need to have the right set of skills)

This formation’s weakness is a gamble. It requires precise planning and timing to pull it off. No wonder the best games are mostly streamed on video sites. These clashes are always fun to see, but in-game its the most mind-numbing, some get even lost due to the multiple spell casting. The tank or the ones in the middle of the clash are the most

Overall, your teamwork is tested with this maneuver, but the good thing here is the escape points indicated to arrows moving away from the clash area, your losses can be minimized simply by having the map awareness to the direction of retreat and attack.



Star Formation

The Star Formation is similar to the Pincer but different in terms of the number of enemies, one or two enemies can easily be outnumbered if you close in and finish them off quickly. It is a sure-clash formation but might also leave you vulnerable. The strength of this formation lies in every teammate contributing a skill to earn that nice bounty.

The weaknesses of the star formation is not every member of your team has equivalent stats, skills or items. It also make you vulnerable on all sides. Your main counter will be to stand and fight as one just like the Avengers in that awesome camera shot where they are circled by the enemy.Publicity photo from the film "The Avengers"

Overall, the Star Formation is good for closing in on weaker enemies but is risky if the tables are turned. Retreating can either be a coördinated smart move or a panicked messy one. Again team coördination is necessary.






tower defense


The Tower Formation

Using the towers in all stages of the game is a good defensive maneuver. The tower contributes the biggest damage early game, supports lane control in the middle game and annoys enemies during the late game (although they give out less damage).

The weaknesses lie in enumerated items below:

1.Tower’s limited attack range

2.Tower is stationary and its hit-points are low

3.Tower is vulnerable at late game stages due to enemy hero level and damage output

4.No allies to defend the tower or backdooring (damn that BD)

5.Allied Team is flanked and dead.

The Tower formation when used properly can pick off enemy heroes and aid you to launch an offensive counterattack, this tactic is known in the MobA game but is rarely acknowledged. Treat the tower as your sixth-man instead of a commodity and the tower’s full potential is unleashed.

Use these formations and discover new ones, Let me know what you think of these, comments, suggestions,likes,support,criticisms and discussions are welcome below. Keep on’ gamin 🙂

Update Stuff

Posted: November 19, 2014 in Update Board

For some time, I have been thinking of how to do the next MobA post while hanging out at Southern Card Capital, a shop that caters to every card game known in the Philippines.

I have decided that I will do the images via paint and then discuss those strategies and how you can implement them.

On cosplay, my costumes have just recently started in its production phase, and I was taught by a local propmaker (you know who you are) to make basic patterns.

Also Zamboangamer will receive an update on its own site by Thursday, I’m super excited.

But the main thing that will prove a challenge is the job. Recently on the months of Sept and Oct, I was busy looking for a job and applied at KCC which is a mall based on General Santos City but is expanding its operations here in Zamboanga City. I applied for a position, passed the tests and interviews. Only one step remains and waiting the hardest part.


To work is to earn money to maintain the site and make sure that our advocacy remains true. If I am called then it will be 6-9 months of training, that means I might not be as active blogging in those times but I have also found 2 other people who are willing to blog about other stuff like anime and cosplay, thus this advocacy is expanding to other mediums of pop culture relevant to this generation.

Thanks once again for supporting my blog everyone, keep on gamin’ 🙂